Writing script coverage is a first job for many film business hopefuls. Whether it leads to a career in development or is just a stepping stone to other parts of the industry, learning the nuts and bolts of story analysis provides a key set of skills that you’ll take with you and use throughout your filmmaking career.
I Got You Covered by Beverly Neufeld is an easy, fun, and comprehensible guide to script notes, critiques, and writing coverage for screenplays, teleplays, short films, and series.

Whether you’re an intern, assistant, producer, development executive, literary agent, or a writer who wants to know what will make your screenplay stand out to competitions, agents, and execs, you’ll find everything you need to get started as a “reader” in this book:
- How to breakdown a screenplay.
- How to spot the strengths and weaknesses of a script.
- How to give notes in a tactful, motivating, and inspiring way.
- How to remain objective rather than subjective.
- What competitions, executives, agents, and networks look for.
- How to get your first job as a script reader.
Don’t Just Tell the Story – Sell the Movie!
Filmmaking is a business and getting a project greenlit is the key to success. This fundamental guide to story analysis gives you a set of tools that will help jumpstart your career in the entertainment industry.
I Got You Covered is part of the single-topic, companion book series, The Digital Filmmaking Handbook Presents. This series picks up where the best-selling Digital Filmmaking Handbook leaves off, tackling each topic exclusively, in-depth, and as always, from the perspective of working filmmakers.
Look Inside:

Table of Contents:
Foreward xviii
Introduction xv
1 Film Reviews and Coverage 1
2 Templates from the Trenches 9
3 Genre 23
4 Loglines 31
5 Synopses 43
6 Character 53
7 Story 67
8 Structure 79
9 Dialogue 95
10 Theme 105
11 Tone 111
12 Pacing 117
13 Craft and Presentation 125
14 Marketability 133
15 TV 143
16 Books 155
17 How to Give Notes 159
18 Receiving Coverage 169
19 Giving Verbal Notes 185
20 For the Writer 191
21 The Coverage Business 197
22 Final Thoughts 203 Appendix